Framed Floral Print by Simon Fairless

Cornflowers - a framed floral print design

"Cornflowers II in teal" - Framed floral art Print

A framed original design of some cornflowers, these ones were growing in my garden and I worked from a photograph to create this design.

Printed using archival matte paper & pigment inks for clarity & longevity. Mounted & signed in pencil on the mount (not shown in picture). A 5x5 inch print in a simple 9x9 inches white wooden frame. If you would prefer a black frame just send me an email or leave me a message on checkout.

£40.00 - includes international delivery
studio: +44 (0)1753 841216
mobile: +44 (0)7970 153048

© 2000-present day all rights reserved Simon Fairless.